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Electrical System Design

Electrical components connected together to carry out certain operation and this forms an Electrical system. The design of Electrical systems deals with study and application digital system processing and telecommunications, microprocessors, Electrical machines, Power Electronics.

Our cad
engineering services

Silicon Engineering Consultants offers its clients a range of architectural BIM modeling services. Having an experience for over 15 years and above we are masters in proving the designs and its details before the start of the project. Based on the project and the discussion with the client the engineers and the team initiate the first stage of the plan.

architectural engineering services

Silicon Engineering excels in Architectural Floor Plan Drawings and Architectural Project Drawings. This Architectural Drafting company provides high quality and the best 2D Drafting Services, floor plans, elevation Drawings, floor framing plans, roof framing plans, foundation plans in Architectural projects. Silicon Engineering’s Architectural Drafting Services strictly follow the standards specified by our customers. Silicon Engineering specializes in Architects Cad Drawings and 2D Drafting projects.

Structural engineering services

We at Silicon Engineering Consultants are right at your service to provide you with the complete structural engineering service that is a must required services as well. In this service, the engineer would be understanding and based on that will understand and calculate the basic things that are required. It is related to stability, strength, rigidity, and many other factors that are built structures for the buildings. Basically, the complete concept of this service is based on two laws. These are physical laws and empirical knowledge of the structural performance of different materials and geometries.

Civil engineering services

Siliconec offers vast range of Civil Engineering Services from Civil Engineering Designs to Construction cost estimation. We serve countless clients with Civil Engineering services that work seamlessly cost effective for our prospects. We at Siliconec work extremely hard to deliver civil designs and analysis up to the mark that excels Civil Productivity and save lots of cost effectively. The world of engineering that makes greener buildings with help of experts civil engineers that serve the clients with their undying efforts and make Earth beautiful place to live.

HVAC engineering services

Silicon Engineering Consultants is the pioneer and leading HVAC Engineering Service Provider Company that equipped with Expert HVAC Engineers and Infrastructure to support all kind of projects across the globe. We Provide Complete HVAC Systems and Mechanical Systems from MEP Designing to HVAC Duct Design that help world wide clients to install High End Mechanical Systems in the Residential towns and Commercial Complexes.

Plumbing Piping engineering services

This is the third stage of MEPF services. In this “P” stands for Plumbing and Piping. Well, the title itself says everything. We all know that whenever there is construction going on, services of plumbing and piping is considered to be on its top list. The architects and the designers when starting the process of preparing the design, make sure that the design has the complete interpretation of plumbing and piping. The term here is not limited to check the piping services for water system only.

building Information Modeling

BIM or Building Information Modeling is the new as well as the latest services of approaching the designs. It is the process where you can convert all your paper design into a digital format. We at Silicon Engineering Consultants are masters in providing you with the full range of BIM services along with its different levels and types. We all know that BIM is the shared knowledge-based service that has completely changed the way of thinking and preparing the designs and documents for the construction project.

Silicon Engineering caters to all your requirements related to Electrical system designs, Electrical power system design and Electrical Engineering design. We make sure that our Electrical Engineering Designs are convenient in operation. The potential hazards like Electric shocks, thermal effects, false current etc. are addressed at the time of design and care is taken to make an installation free of this hazards. Silicon Engineering is able to develop, implement, engineer projects of any size in the Electrical supply industry.

Electrical System Design

At Silicon Engineering our technician’s superior design capabilities cover the following areas

At Silicon Engineering, the Design of Electrical Substations is done in a way to suit the Electrical consumer. It is uneconomical and unreasonable to connect a consumer directly to the main Electrical transmission. Thus Silicon Engineering goes about the Design of Electrical Substations which transfer power from the transmission centre to the distribution centre.

Silicon Engineering offers the following services and also specializes in the following areas

The primary corporate objective of Silicon Engineering is to provide highest standards of services available in Engineering Consulting Industry. Silicon Engineering caters to all your requirements related to Residential Electric Load Calculations and guarantees you the best results.

At Silicon Engineering, technicians come up with such fantastic worksheets which are the best in the market and guide you step by step through all the necessary measurements required to be filled in the sheet. The worksheets made at Silicon Engineering help to provide an accurate, consistent and simplified method of determining the minimum size electrical service for a new and existing dwelling looking to add additional electrical load. The worksheets provide economic and safety benefits. It helps to prevent over-sizing service, which costs more money and under sizing service which is a safety/ fire hazard. Silicon Engineers make use of latest technologies by taking into account specific project requirements along with compliance of all relevant international and Indian codes.

Electrical System Design

The 3 phase loads do not require the revolving magnetic field characteristics of three phase motors but take advantage of the higher voltage and power level usually associated with 3 phase distribution. Silicon Engineering is also well versed with three phase load calculations.

Silicon Engineering also offers services for Power Conversion calculations. Silicon Engineering’s expertise has designed softwares to give accurate results for power conversions. This unit conversion tool is very powerful, intuitive, easy to use utility for quick and accurate conversion between almost every possible unit of measure from one system to another.

By consulting Silicon Engineering, Load Management can be best implemented by industrial electricity users. Small and medium size companies often lack the necessary technical skills and information. Such companies can do wonders under Silicon Engineering consultancy services and expertise. Silicon Engineering assures best results when it comes to Electrical Load Calculations. For designing an Electrical power system the most important thing is to carry out the load analysis. We adopt methods which are customer friendly and more importantly practical. Silicon Engineering gives smart optimum solutions to our clientele. Contact Silicon Engineering for all your future Electrical Load Calculations.

Alor Setar, American Samoa, Ampang, Amsterdam, Andorra, Ang Mo Kio, Angola, Anguilla, Antananarivo, Antofagasta, Antwerp, Argentina, Arica Chile, Arizona, Arkansas, Armenia, Aruba, Asuncion, Auckland, Aurangabad, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bhutan, Birmingham, Bloemfontein, Bolivia, Bordeaux, Botswana, Bradford, Brampton, Brazil, Brazzaville, Brisbane, Bristol, British Virgin Islands, Broome, Bruges, Brunei, Buenos Aires, Bukit Batok, Bulgaria, Bunbury, Bundaberg, Buraydah, Burkina Faso, Burnie, Burundi, Busan, Chittagong, Choa Chu Kang, Chongqing, Christchurch, City of Brussels, City of Sydney, Clarendon Parish, Cochabamba, Coffs Harbour, Cologne, Colombia, Colorado, Comodoro Rivadavia, Comoros, Concepcion, Congo, Connecticut, Cook Islands, Copiapo, Cordoba, Corrientes, Costa Rica, Cote d Ivoire, Coventry, Croatia, Cuba, Curacao, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Dhaka, Djibouti, Dodoma, Doha, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Dongguan, Douala, Dubai, Dubbo, Dublin, Dunedin, Durban, Eldoret, England, Equatorial Guinea, Erbil, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, France, Frankfurt, Freetown, Fremantle, French Guiana, French Polynesia, Fujairah, Fukuoka, Fuzhou, Greater Sudbury, Greece, Greenland, Grenada, Grenoble, Guadalajara, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guangzhou, Guatemala, Guatemala City, Guelph, Guilin, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Guiyang, Guyana, Gwangju, Hat Yai, Hawaii, Hefei, Hermosillo, Hillah, Himeji, Hiroshima, Hobart, Hokitika, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Hyderabad, Ipoh, Iquique, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Isfahan, Isle of Man, Israel, Italy, Jinan, Johannesburg, Johor Bahru, Jordan, Kiribati, Kirkuk, Kisumu, Kitakyushu, Kitchener, Klang, Kobe, Kochi, Kolkata, Kota Bharu, Kota Kinabalu, Kowloon, Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Terengganu, Kuantan, Kuching, Kumamoto, Kunming, Kurashiki, Kuwait, Kuwait City, Kyoto, Kyrgyzstan, Liechtenstein, Liege, Lille, Lismore, Lithuania, Liverpool, London, London ca, Louisiana, Lower Hutt, Luanda, Ludhiana, Luoyang, Lusaka, Lushoto District, La Serena Chile, Lyon, La Rioja, Mendoza, Merida, Mexico, Mexico City, Michigan, Milan, Mildura, Minnesota, Miri Malaysia, Mississauga, Mississippi, Missouri, Mito, Miyazaki, Moldova, Mombasa, Monaco, Moncton, Mongolia, Monrovia, Montana, Montego Bay, Montenegro, Montpellier, Montreal, Montserrat, Morioka, Morocco, Mosul, Motueka, Mount Gambier, Mozambique, Muharraq, Mumbai, Munich, Muscat, Muttrah, Mwanza, Myanmar, Mymensingh, New Delhi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New Plymouth, New York, New Zealand, Newcastle, Niagara, Nicaragua, Nice, Niger, Nigeria, Niigata, Nineveh Governorate, Ningbo, Niue, Noida, North Carolina, North Dakota, North Korea, Northern Mariana Islands, Norway, Nowra, Oruro, Osaka, Oshawa, Otorohanga, Ottawa, Ouagadougou, Oxford, Poland, Pontianak, Porirua, Port Elizabeth, Port Harcourt, Port Macquarie, Portmore Jamaica, Portugal, Posadas, Potosi, Pretoria, Puente Alto, Puerto Madryn, Puerto Montt, Puerto Rico, Pukekohe, Pune, Quebec City, Queenstown, Quilmes, Quilpue, Queanbeyan, Rio Cuarto, Río Gallegos, Riyadh, Rockhampton, Romania, Rome, Rosario, Rotorua, Rotterdam, Rouen, Russia, Rwanda, Shenzhen, Shepparton, Sherbrooke, Shijiazhuang, Shiraz, Sibu, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Sint Maarten, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sohar, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Carolina, South Dakota, South Korea, South Sudan, Soweto, Spain, Spanish Town, Sri Lanka, St Johns, Strasbourg, Sucre, Sudan, Sungai Petani, Surabaya, Surat, Suriname, Surrey, Suzhou, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Sydney, Sylhet, Syrian, Tokelau Vatican City, Tokoroa, Tokyo, Tonga, Toowoomba, Toronto, Toulouse, Townsville, Toyama, Toyohashi, Trelew, Trier, Trinidad, Tripoli, Trois Rivieres, Tsuen Wan, Tunis, Tunisia, Turin, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Tweed Heads, Uruguay, Urumqi, US, USA, Utah, Utsunomiya, Uzbekistan, Upper Hutt, Victoria, Vietnam, Vina del Mar, Virginia, Visakhapatnam, Whanganui, Whangarei, Windhoek, Windsor, Winnipeg, Winterthur, Wisconsin, Wodonga, Wollongong, Wuhan, Wuxi, Wyoming, Xian, Xining, Yokohama, Yongin, Yuen Long Kau Hui, Zimbabwe, Zurich,

Silicon Engineering Consultants feels pioneered and lucky to work and be a part of these well-known projects which are very accurately and efficiently completed by our organization.

River Mount College

Architectural Drawings

Development Cnr Bryce

Structural Engineering and Drafting

Union Green Apartments 39-47

Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Silicon Engineering Consultants helps you build your Dreams into reality.

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